Recommend It is a content plugin that recommends articles from the same category. It uses jQuery to nicely slide in the recommended articles when the user reaches the bottom of the page. When they scroll back up, it disappears again. You can also close it for good by using the close button and it will not be shown again until the page is reloaded. Recommend It works on core Joomla content and K2. There are a number of built in features. You can see the parameters for this plugin on this page.
See it in action. Scroll down!
How do I set this plugin up?
There is nothing to setup. You just need to enable the plugin, set the category and that's it. In this example I have created a category called "Recommend It" I created 5 articles to go in this category. This article and 4 others about disc golf. When you reach the bottom of the page, you will see the recommended articles from this category only.
What if I have lots of modules below the article?
If you want the slidebox to appear at a particular point on the page instead of the very end (ie. end of an article) you can manually insert this: <div id="recommend"></div> at the end of your article to trigger it.